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Why is My phone so Slow: 9 Ways to Speed Up Slow Android Phone

After using the new phone for 1 or 2 years, the phone’s performance is automatically reduced. Phone running slow and freezing is a major problem for many smartphone users. And sometimes it frustrates us. So, you need a solution for your slow Android phone.

But when you use the tips and tricks that I am going to tell you in this post, then your phone performance is always best.

Why do phones slow down over time?

It’s not uncommon for older phones to run a bit slow. It’s not because of the device itself, it’s because of the storage and performance demands of newer apps and OS updates that you’ll download onto your device. These updates are designed to work with newer phone models, so your older phone might not be able to keep up.

Why my phone is slow?

1. Low Storage Space

The common reason for slow phones is that your phone has Low storage.

And it is noticeable, you also notice that when your phone storage is full then your phone performance is reduced.

Why, what’s the reason?

The reason is when your phone works, it needs some space to work efficiently. And if it doesn’t have space then it is working slow.

So You always need to give some storage to the phone to work fast and efficient.


How do you free space in your phone?

Two ways help you to free space in your phone.

  1. By deleting some Apps, and files like photos, videos, documents, etc.
  2. By Adding Storage Cards like Memory cards, Pen Drives, etc.

Firstly, you can delete your unused apps that you don’t use or rarely use.

Additionally, you can delete some videos like your movies, or web series( if you have one on your phone) and photos, and files like documents.

If you don’t want to delete then you can upload it to Google Photo Cloud, Telegram, Terabox, Mega or any other online server.

Secondly, you can use memory cards that increase your storage and give extra space to your phones. Even you can use Pendrives but It works like external storage. You have to always carry it externally.

2. Too Many Apps Open & Installed

The second reason is also the common that generally people install too many apps on their phones plus they open in the background carelessly.

They even don’t delete the apps they use rarely.

It causes two problems which slow down the phone.

  1. It decreases Storage in the Phone.
  2. It runs in the Background.

If you download too many apps on your phone then it is obvious that it consumes your main storage.

Many people have the habit of opening too many apps altogether without closing them especially old people or new smartphone users, etc.

When the apps open, they run in the background and consume your CPU and memory slowing the main task that you doing at that time.

The solution for this is you have to delete unused apps and also close the apps that you open once.

3. Outdated Software

Just like computers, your phone has also an operating system like Android or IOS, etc.

And if your phone has an older version of an update then your phone is lacking the best performance, features, etc.

So, You have to update your phone regularly.

Why you should update your phone regularly?

You have to update your phone regularly because Updates come with new features, security updates, and solutions to bugs. When you update your phone it increases your phone performance.


How Can You Update Your Phone?

update your phone for fix slow phone

If your phone asks for updates then update your phone.

3. Cache Building

When you use your phone over time then your phone apps and websites that you open on your phone can store the temporary data on your phone.

When you use your phone recently, a mini storage unit is created in your phone that is called a Cache. It holds onto website data, app files, and other resources to make things load faster the next time you use them again.

  • Outdated Data: Cached data isn’t always updated automatically. If an app or website relies on fresh information, the outdated cache can make things run slow because the phone is referencing old data instead of fetching the latest version.
  • Storage Clutter: Over time, the cache can accumulate a lot of unused or unnecessary data. This can consume your phone’s storage space, which can lead to performance issues.

So, you need to clear the cache to speed up the phone’s performance.


  1. Open Settings
  2. Find Storage
  3. Clear App Cache (Individual Apps)
  4. Clear System Cache (Optional
  5. Restart Your Phone
clear cache to speed up phone

See, the steps for clearing the cache are different in different phones.

But when you clear the cache from your phone, your phone performance increases and runs efficiently.

4. Malicious Software

The next thing is that if your phone has malicious software and virus then definitely your phone runs slow.

This reason is common because people download many apps, games, or files from unknown websites that are not very secure.

When we install any apps from unknown sources, they come with viruses or many trackers. Even they ask your many permission that they don’t need to ask.

And if any virus comes into your smartphone, then runs in the background and consumes your CPU & Memory, and also tracks your phone and even they can steal your data.

That’s why Your phone performance is slow.

Now, let’s talk about the solution that

How you can remove malicious software & viruses from your phone?

First of all, delete all the apps, and files that you download from unknown sources, and if they are useful then download any Antivirus apps like Avast App, Bitdefender, etc.

Generally, on all phones, there is a general security app.

And then scan and remove it.

So, you always need to carefully download any apps or files from unknown sources.

Viruses and malware are also the reason for Phone Heating.

5. Phone Heating

Yes, this is common for many smartphone users. You also noticed that when your phone is heated then your phone performance is automatically reduced.

And for phone heating, you have to understand the reason behind this.

What is the reason for Phone Heating?

  • Overuse Phone
  • Gaming
  • Hot Environment
  • Too Many Background Apps
  • Outdated Software
  • Faulty Battery or Charger

These are some common reasons for phone heating. And you have to fix these things.

Additionally, for fixing the phone heating, you can remove the case if your phone is overheating and you have to always use the Right charger. It is most important.

Additional Tips to Fix a Slow Phone

6. Restart Your Phone

It has many benefits.

The next thing is that if your phone overheats that causes slow performance of your phone, then restarting the phone cools down your phone and speeds up the phone.

7. Disable Live Wallpaper

If you are using the Live wallpaper on your phone then disable it.


Live wallpapers don’t slow down your phone but they also affect you in many ways.

  • Increased CPU and GPU Usage: Unlike static wallpapers, live wallpapers are constantly running mini-animations. This requires your phone’s processor (CPU) and graphics processor (GPU) to work harder to render the animation smoothly. This can slow down other tasks you’re trying to do on your phone, especially if it has an older processor or less powerful graphics capabilities.
  • Battery Drain: The extra processing power needed for live wallpapers translates to higher battery consumption. You might notice your phone needing to be charged more frequently if you’re using a live wallpaper.
  • Potential for Lag: If your phone’s hardware is struggling to keep up with the demands of the live wallpaper, you might experience lag or stuttering on your home screen. This can be frustrating and make it difficult to interact with your phone smoothly.

So, you have to use static wallpapers instead of Live Wallpapers.

8. Update Your all Apps

Because the outdated version of apps has some bugs that slow down your phone.

7. Uninstall Unnecessary Files

You can use Files by Google App to delete duplicates, blurry photos, old screenshots, large Files, unused apps, and many more.

Uninstall Unnecessary Files to fix slow android phone

9. Reset Your Phone

If your phone continuously runs slow and hangs after using many tricks and tips then you should Reset your Phone or you can buy a new phone.

But, first of all, take a backup for all your important files in a safe place then you can do it.


What Is Rooting? The Risks of Rooting Your Android Device – TechKick

How to Deactivate or Delete Instagram Account – TechKick


These are details explanations that are updated regularly.

Thank You.

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